About Me

“I’ll be the first to last, never worry ‘bout the past…”             

First to Last  by Jerry Velona

from the album Love Radio


“I think the reason why getting older is looked upon negatively by some people is they assume you have to stop doing what you’ve always wanted to do and grow up.”  My interview subject let out a loud laugh.  He went on, “To me, ‘growing up’ means just the opposite. It’s finally realizing what you’re about and starting to put that accumulated wisdom and experience to good use.”

Jerry Velona knows a little bit about accumulating wisdom and experience. Coming from a family of musicians and starting with violin & piano lessons from his grandparents at age 7, he’s spent his entire life playing, singing and writing music while at the same time developing a successful business career.  Jerry said, “While I longed to spend more time on my music, my busy professional and family life forced me to be judicious with my time and constantly re-evaluate my goals.  I realized that making music could never be replaced. I never lost the hunger and along the way I learned about persistence, patience and setting priorities which has been useful needless to say.” He has also garnered notice.

Jerry’s musical palette covers a wide range of styles from rock to jazz to soul/r&b and country.  His ability to effortlessly sing in styles from rock to r&b to crooning and everything in between enabled him to get work as a side man in addition to honing his skills as a performer. He credits his parents and the general musical environment growing up for his eclectic tastes. “I absorbed everything I heard,” he said, “and it all remains within me to this day.”

His voice has been used in radio and TV commercials, a cartoon pilot and the song At Last (there’s you) from the documentary film Lifestyles of the Poor and Unknown.  His songs have been used on MTV Cribs as well as in an HBO special and have received significant international airplay. He won a Billboard songwriting award for his song Hip Hop No More. His song Dream Girl reached #20 on the smooth jazz charts.  Jerry’s cover of the song Looking for Lewis and Clark by The Long Ryders on his album Love Radio was lauded by the bandleader Sid Griffin who said, “Jerry Velona once again proves his musical worth in a balls-to-the-wall cover version… (and his) committed vocal and approach to the lyric…oh Mercy.”  About Love Radio, Boston Globe rock writer Steve Morse said, “Jerry Velona is a superb craftsman. He shows striking versatility…Velona’s honest spirit is refreshing and blissfully indifferent to trends.”

Jerry has written and published 30 original songs as well as 20 covers in four albums and three EPs.  The songs reflect his varied life experience and the ability to connect with others by translating those experiences through his music. The tumultuous breakup of his family as a child and his two marriages and difficult divorces have colored some of his songs with a darker hue, while his love for and commitment to his three children as well as his general optimism and gratitude about life balances things.  Throughout the tunes there are elements of incisive wit, sarcasm, social commentary and interesting wordplay to go with the solid musicianship.  When asked to describe his music, Jerry simply says, “It’s American music. I’m just one of many trying to understand my life in all its complexity through the vehicle of our traditional art forms.”

Steve Morse, Rock Writer Emeritus for The Boston Globe

Jerry Velona is a superb craftsman. He shows a striking versatility on his new album by moving easily from energized rock covers of the Long Ryders and Robbie Robertson to original songs with a Southern-style Memphis grit. The variety is entirely believable as Velona teams up with an all-star cast of Boston musicians… This is music for music’s sake — and Velona’s honest spirit is refreshing and blissfully indifferent to trends.”  

Brian Soergel, Smoth Jazz Dot Com

There’s always room for out-of-the-box excursions, and Boston-based singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Jerry Velona magnificently travels down that road with DREAM GIRL  On his fifth solo CD, Velona combines a number of jazz styles, from smooth and contemporary to classic, Dixie and swing. There are two versions of the cover track and hit single, “Dream Girl,” the first a noir-ish Smooth Jazz track with the enchanting sax of Paul Ahlstrand. The vocal version showcases what Velona’s about: a refreshing songwriter and singer who shuns clichés and tells amazing stories! The Big Easy is represented on “Wishful Intuition”: You’ll love the trombone and the boy-sees-girl story with a twist! Whimsy is key to Velona’s muse, and he ends the disc with a cover of a classic: “If You Stub Your Toe on the Moon.” (Don’t forget to check out companion video on YouTube!) Jerry Velona rocks!

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